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Your About Me page: How to write and why it’s the most important page on your website.
The purpose of your About me page is to build an emotional connection and build trust and credibility. This is where the power lies in attracting customers. Your about me page is an opportunity to make a real connection with your customers. It is one of the most visited pages on your website because people want to know who is behind the brand, products and services they are about to invest in. They want to know that it is a safe investment and who they will be dealing with, whether you are the face of the business or not. Here are some questions to answer that will enable you to write a standout page.
Who am I helping? Review Part 1 of this 6-part series if you haven’t already determined who you serve. You can view here. Understanding who is your customer is vital in order to appeal to them with the appropriate language, slogans and imagery.
How can I help? In answering this question you are communicating to customers which of their problems you can solve. What benefit to their life you will make. We are not telling them how good we are at solving problems but defining the problem for them.
Who am I, what is my story in relation to services that help others? Be revealing your personality and elements of your life you become human and vulnerable and it positions your unique selling proposition.
What do I do? Detail what you can do to solve their problems, what they recieve.
What can others expect if they work with me? Explain the process you take to deliver the product or service. People don’t like surprises unless they are a nice surprise and outside of the delivery of what they pay for. Leave the surprises to the extras not the mandatories. You can read about managing customers expectations here.
How can I represent my personal and business brand visually? Select images that reinforce your personal style and business brand messaging.
What tone is suitable for my About page? Is your brand fun and frivolous, serious or nurturing? Use language, tone and words that are in alignment with your service persona. Consistency represents reliability; it’s appealing and shows you are a professional.
Here are some links to about me pages that can offer you inspiration.
http://ishitagupta.com/about/ images, story
http://ishandchi.com alternative to presenting your story
http://www.beardband.com -vision the story, the blog, the passion, a perfect about page that is alignment with their market
http://pulpfingers.com/team/ humour
http://razvangarofeanu.com/#the-who unique, simple, clear
http://www.ghosthorses.co.uk/about/ quirky so get a feel for their style
http://incaorganics.com.au/about/ its all about the product
http://mailchimp.com/features/ services are clear
http://www.canmoremakeupartist.com the text isn’t the focus here for me, it’s the confidence, authority and trust instilled by her associations and recommendations. Listing theses in a visual list of icons of the organisations is all thats needed and the photo of her at work for you to feel confident of her abilities.
http://www.katenorthrup.com/about-contact/ appeals to what you may want out of life and how she can help you gain that.
http://www.qualtrics.com/about/ a techy business offering but they make it simple and not too techy to understand and I have faith they know what they do
http://www.daniellelaporte.com/about/ undeniably unique and true to her brand
http://elsaisaac.com/about-me/ her page gives you a real sense of who she is and how she can help you.
As your About Me page is so important, if you find it too overwhelming I recommend using a professional copywriter. It can be very challenging to write about yourself and be succinct and blow your own trumpet at the same time as sound humble!
Now you’ve mastered the word, don’t forget the images
The other crucial element in your About Me page is the photography of you. Whether you are the face of your business or not you must, must, must firstly use a professional photographer to take your About Me page photos. I talk more about the importance of your personal branding in this article here.
Secondly ensure you have a professional do your make-up and hair for the shoot. I recently had to gently push a client to invest in this part of her shoot and having seen the photos, she now appreciates the difference it made. She looked amazing and she loved the experience of seeing herself look so polished. Make-up needs to be a stronger than you would wear in real life so it can be a bit overwhelming, but the effect is fabulous. I have a list of professionals that I use and can recommend. They all do specials throughout the year or particular days of the week, so don’t be afraid to ask.
Final Note
On a final note remember most importantly that a good About Us page means nothing if you don’t have your own domain name and web host. If you are using a free blog like Tumblr or Blogger you are growing a brand that you don’t fully own or control. Do you wish to put your brand at risk?

Johannah Barton
Johannah is founder and owner of Confetti Design, a leading Melbourne Shopify Agency. Her extensive background in fashion, interior design, sales and marketing contributes to the Agencies great ability and reputation. She creates content that helps small businesses navigate the online space helping them to consider their website as a sales tool.
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